We have collaborated with Liv and Mimi’s Play Cafe to host the Perfect Storm Workshop & Play on September 28th. Liv & Mimi’s Play Cafe is one of our favorite places in the city for both kids and parents. Enjoy a free play session while parents learn about the Perfect Storm from our keynote speaker, Dr. Phil.
Dr. Phil is the leading neurologically-focused chiropractor in New Mexico with over 20 years of experience. He specializes in pediatric, pregnancy and family chiropractic care and owns ABQ Family Chiropractic. This is an intimate in-person opportunity for parents of children struggling with neurodevelopmental, learning, or behavior challenges, equipping you with HOPE, HELP & ANSWERS.
Who is this For:
- Parents who have children who have received a diagnosis, such as ASD, ADHD, SPD
- Parents who are worried about their child’s growth, development, mood, focus, sleep, eating, overall wellness and performance at home and school
- Family members who help care for children who are struggling
Where: Liv & Mimi’s Play Cafe
10301 Comanche Rd NE UNIT 2, Albuquerque, NM 87111
When: Saturday September 28th from 10 am – 12 pm
Space is limited, so please sign up prior to ensure your spot!
Sign Up 👇